New Stone Installed With China’s Best-known Poem
A white marble stone has been installed at the back of King’s bearing a verse from the China’s best-known poem. “Saying Goodbye to Cambridge Again” is by arguably the greatest poet of 20th century China, Xu Zhimo, and has an emotional place in many Chinese people’s hearts.
Xu Zhimo wrote the poem on the King’s College Backs, and it is thought that the golden willow of the poem is the tree that stands beside the bridge at King’s, near to where the stone has been installed. This poem is one which most educated Chinese know and many feel deeply moved by. It provides a bridge between China and Cambridge, and King’s in particular. Many Chinese students think of this poem when leaving Cambridge.
Xu Zhimo died in 1931 at the young age of 36 in an air crash. He studied Politics and Economics 1921-2 and was associated with King’s through Goldsworthy Lowes Dickinson. It was in Cambridge that, under the influence of poets such as Keats and Shelley, he began to write poetry.
A friend of Cambridge in China arranged for the stone to be inscribed with the first two and last two lines of the poem and brought to Cambridge. It is made of white Beijing marble (the same stone used to construct the Forbidden City in Beijing) as a symbol of the continuing links between King’s and China.
这则消息的原文有三个不确切之处:一、《再别康桥》的写作地点不是国王学院的后园,而是徐志摩回国时所乘的邮轮上;二、徐志摩1921~1922年或许跟着迪金逊学了点政治学,但肯定没有学经济学,他是不愿意去哥伦比亚大学读经济学才选择去剑桥的,目的是跟罗素学哲学,结果未能如愿;三、建造紫禁城所用的不是Beijing marble(北京大理石),而是汉白玉。尽管如此,剑河畔这块独一无二的诗碑的存在,让无数华人感到自豪。由于国王学院位于剑桥市中心,其后园又是剑桥景色如画的后园区(the Backs)的一部分,如今这块诗碑已经成为华人游客游览剑桥的一个必到景点。
第三块华人诗碑,严格地说是一块对联碑,将于2012年7月4日出现在剑桥大学圣约翰学院后院2学者花园(Scholar’s Garden)的北边。此碑朝向剑河的那一面刻着:
Engraved Couplet by Louis Cha
Louis Cha, O.B.E.4, known by his pen name Jin Yong, was born in Haining, Zhejiang Province, China in 1924 and has lived in Hong Kong since 1948. He is held inimmense esteem as a novelist and publisher. His fourteen martial arts novels are marked by high spirits, a sense of adventure, elegant style and deep knowledge of Chinese history.
In June 2005, he was admitted to the Honorary Degree of Doctor of Letters at the University of Cambridge. He came into residence in St John’s College in October 2005 as a graduate student, being elected a Fellow Commoner5. In May 2007, he was admitted to the Degree of Master of Philosophy and in July 2010 to the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy. In September 2010, he was admitted as an Honorary Fellow of St John’s.
To commemorate his residence in St John’s, in 2005 Louis Cha composed and wrote out the following couplet:
The scent of flowers, the scent of books clings to the College paths;
The sound of oars, the sound of song drifts through the Bridge of Sighs.
A student Jin Yong.
A shorter version of this couplet by Louis Cha and in his hand is on the obverse of this stone.
The couplet has been engraved in sandstone rock from Taiwan and set in this garden through the generosity of May Lok Yee Lam, Louis Cha’s wife.
金庸在剑桥攻读硕士和博士时,导师是英国社会科学院(The British Academy)院士、剑桥大学亚洲与中东研究部(Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies)教授(现为荣退教授)、圣约翰学院院士、唐史专家麦大维。金庸硕士学位论文的题目是《初唐皇位继承制度》(The imperial succession in early TangChina),博士学位论文的题目是《唐代盛世继承皇位制度》。从一位誉满全球华人世界6的报人和武侠小说家到世界顶级大学的史学博士,86岁的金庸以孜孜不倦的精神实践了“活到老,学到老”的格言,以不求虚名的态度实现了自己揭示历史真相的学术追求。
剑桥这三块华人诗碑的主人因金庸而发生关联。在海宁,查家和徐家均为望族,彼此有姻亲关系,金庸的母亲徐禄是徐志摩的堂姑妈。金庸称徐志摩为表哥,小时候在母亲的娘家见过这位留英归来的浪漫诗人。据说翁美玲之所以能得到黄蓉这一角色,金庸起了决定作用。1983年,香港无线电视台筹划拍摄电视连续剧《射雕英雄传》,众多角色选定后,惟独“黄蓉”的扮演者一直没有合适人选,无奈之下只好公开招聘。5000名应聘佳丽经过层层筛选,最后只剩下包括翁美玲在内的五名。在这关键时刻,翁美玲灵机一动,她抓住导演和金庸都在的一个机会,换上古装,手持柳枝,一个漂亮的侧翻,落在金庸面前,抱拳施礼道:“桃花岛主之女黄蓉,拜见金大侠。”这位扮相漂亮、风姿潇洒的小女子令金庸眼前一亮,他当即拍板:“你就是我要找的‘黄蓉’。” (见
一个12.5万人口的远方外邦小城立起三块华人诗碑,而且碑主彼此有某种缘分,这在全世界大概是独一份。 □
1. 译文为笔者所提供。
2. 即位于剑河西岸的新院(New Court)所处的那个院区。
3. 译文为笔者所提供。
4. O.B.E.的全称是Officer of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire(英帝国最佳功勋长官)。英帝国最佳功勋(the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire)称号是英王乔治五世1917年设立的,分为五等,最高等是骑士大十字(Knight Grand Cross),第二等是骑士司令(Knight Commander),第三等是司令(Commander),第四等是长官(Officer),第五等是成员(Member)。
5. 在牛津和剑桥大学,commoner(普通生)指不享受任何奖学金的学生,Fellow Commoner的意思是commoners with the Fellows(同院士在一起的普通生),指有权在学院饭堂的院士桌(Fellows’ table,又称high table“高桌”)就座吃饭的学生,这种学生不必像一般学生那样选课、上课,在生活待遇上等同于院士,因此译成同院士。
6. 事实上,金庸的多部作品已被译成多种语言,在华人圈外也产生了一定影响。据说剑桥大学前校长Alison F. Richard读了金庸写的《鹿鼎记》的英文版后,对之大为赞赏。
英语世界创刊于1981年,由中国出版集团公司主管,商务印书馆主办,《英语世界》杂 志社编辑出版。首任主编为陈羽纶先生。该刊是一本面向大学师生及英语爱好者的阅读学习类刊物。系中国第一家英汉对照的英语学习杂志,曾荣获国家颁发的“编校质量奖”和“国家百种重点社科期刊奖”。一向以内容新颖、形式活泼而著称。2009年荣获“新中国60年有影响力的期刊”称号。