Dear Lecong,
Thank you for your email regarding Barbara Yung
but I am afraid that due to data protection we are unable to pass on information about other alums.
We are able to pass on messages from alumni to alumni but not on such a large scale.
We are also unable to find out who actually knew her so it would just be quite difficult to do.
I am sorry that we can’t help you any further but good luck with the celebrations.
Kind regards,
Eleanor Maycock
Alumni Relations Communications Officer/校友关系沟通办公室
University of the Arts London
65 Davies Street
London W1K 5DA
+44 (0)20 7514 7604
Alumni Event: Arts Mondays
The Arts Club, 40 Dover Street, London W1S 4NP
Monday 6 October, 3 November (6.30-8.30pm)
Join fellow alumni to network and socialise on the first Monday of every
month. No RSVP necessary.
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-10-10 0:14:20编辑过] |